Cultural Thursday announces two fall collaborations with the CLC Performing Arts Center – Brainerd Dispatch

Cultural Thursday announces two fall collaborations with the CLC Performing Arts Center – Brainerd Dispatch

BRAINERD — Central Lakes College announced two upcoming productions in collaboration between the CLC Performing Arts Center and the Cultural Thursday program, featuring performances that highlight Native American and Japanese cultures.

At noon Oct. 3 Larry Yazzie, founder of Native Pride Productions, will perform. Yazzie is a two-time World Champion Fancy Dancer, Men’s Northern Traditional Dancer, and Eagle Dancer. As an internationally recognized lecturer and performer, Yazzie will showcase Native American dance and storytelling during his Cultural Thursday presentation. His 7 p.m. evening performance, featuring additional performers and a drum circle, will offer insights into the history and traditions of Native American culture. Yazzie’s mission is to promote cultural pride, self-respect, and unity through his performances and educational outreach.

Cultural Thursday livestream will be available at

. The noon performance is free. Go to

for tickets for the 7 p.m. performance.

At noon Nov. 7, Kuniko Yamamoto, an acclaimed Japanese theater performer known for her dynamic storytelling and cultural presentations, will perform. Yamamoto’s Cultural Thursday presentation will guide the audience through a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, sharing the artistry and rituals that define this unique experience. At the 6 p.m. evening performance titled “Magical Mask, Music, and Mime of Japan,” she will immerse attendees in Japanese culture, blending performance art with a deep reverence for tradition and heritage.

Cultural Thursday livestream will be available at

. The noon performance is free. Go to

for tickets for the 7 p.m. performance.

“These events provide an incredible opportunity for the community to engage with diverse cultural expressions from around the world,” organizers said in a news release. “The collaboration between the CLC Performing Arts Center and the Cultural Thursday program enables these artists to share multiple aspects of their work with two distinct presentations in a single day. We invite you to join us in celebrating these unique and captivating art forms.”

For further information, visit


, or email Joseph Yow, director of the CLC Performing Arts Center, at

[email protected]


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